I have been very content over the last week, and seemingly grateful for my life. Why I'm not sure? I have a lovely home and son great friends and have cut some dreadful ones out recently. they are the ones who are very unhappy with their lives.. and feel drained when I am with them.... and now I have managed to distance myself from one in particular who is very like my mother (another emotional vampire) I feel really happy with my life it seems to be going the right way....
My son is happy at school and have renewed some old relationships, my ex is being nice too!
I am off to Australia in 4 weeks without my son, who will be with his dad for 3 weeks whilst I am away. i hope he will be okay and am feeling a little guilty about not spending Christmas with him, but i need this holiday soooooo much.
No men around either and no dates, this maybe adding to my happiness! I'm just getting on with business and dealing with life without the added complications of dating and men. funny that I started this blog to write about all the dates and disasters with men I have had over the last 2/3 years and now I have a chance to write about it all, well it does not seem worth it any more. i have so much other stuff going on and I really just do not want any more headaches with men. I'm sure when I am ready to meet an equal some one who I really will love will come along when I expect it least... as they say every woman has the love life she thinks she deserves. Hmmmm food for thought. What do I really think I deserve?
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago