Monday, 16 November 2009


I have been very content over the last week, and seemingly grateful for my life. Why I'm not sure? I have a lovely home and son great friends and have cut some dreadful ones out recently. they are the ones who are very unhappy with their lives.. and feel drained when I am with them.... and now I have managed to distance myself from one in particular who is very like my mother (another emotional vampire) I feel really happy with my life it seems to be going the right way....
My son is happy at school and have renewed some old relationships, my ex is being nice too!
I am off to Australia in 4 weeks without my son, who will be with his dad for 3 weeks whilst I am away. i hope he will be okay and am feeling a little guilty about not spending Christmas with him, but i need this holiday soooooo much.

No men around either and no dates, this maybe adding to my happiness! I'm just getting on with business and dealing with life without the added complications of dating and men. funny that I started this blog to write about all the dates and disasters with men I have had over the last 2/3 years and now I have a chance to write about it all, well it does not seem worth it any more. i have so much other stuff going on and I really just do not want any more headaches with men. I'm sure when I am ready to meet an equal some one who I really will love will come along when I expect it least... as they say every woman has the love life she thinks she deserves. Hmmmm food for thought. What do I really think I deserve?

Monday, 9 November 2009

Fun and games with your ex....

We had a MASSIVE row on Saturday morning, I felt he was being boorish controlling and pigheaded, he called me a pikey. Ill show you F***ing pikey, and pushed him out of the house! Neighbours all complained that they could not see the entire row and could I remove my tree, Which is technically a bush which I have left to grow. Any way turned out that he wanted to pick up our son early and spend some time with him so he could slope off all afternoon and watch the Rugby!? Even though this meant driving him across 3 different boroughs before 11am.... Poor might has just started school and is exhausted as it is!
All is good now he apologised... I went to a fireworks party in East London, Victoria Park. it was all a bit of a squash. I really wanted to go to Lewes, Sussex because in all honesty that is the most amazing fire works party ever!!

Sunday, 8 November 2009

What it feels like to have kids but no career - Times Online

What it feels like to have kids but no career - Times Online

Interesting article..... I feel the same now little one is safely at school! oh what to do... I do work part time but having left school with 2 o'levels In English.. I didnt amount to much in the career stakes..... I have brought up many children (nanny) and really pride myself that still remember me as their best nanny. Although I have tried all my life to work as little as possible.. I am proud that I have managed to buy a 3 bed semi in a very nice area thank you very much and just bought myself a nice car too! I have a lovely life full of friends and fun, we are all from broken backgrounds and have each other. I suppose I am happy to be here and not have some high flying career as I get to bring my son up, Myself! having been a nanny for many years I can see how harmful not being there is. I make money and we live a good life, His dad pays maintenance and Thank god for Gordon Brown and his lovely tax credits!!

Mad 2 weeks.... fireworks halloween and no dates!

HI all it has been a while since I have written anything down. Have had a mad couple of weekends and weekdays in fact with EnFamile....... My fathers 25th wedding anniversary on Halloween, which meant I had to carve a pumpkin at a friends house Friday evening (red wine Inc) and i did an amazing job it had a haunted house bats and everything.... dave texted wanted to know why we had not spoken in a while? how am I what am i doing for Halloween? Reply: Busiest night of the year.... bought a new Gti broomstick and everything! off to Family Do x
Dave: well have a lovely time xx
Anyway family do was great in a Hunting lodge just outside London, beautiful place. Its stuffed full of finds from Brocante, and vintage finds from the uk too, They are art directors for very famous films.... They are my Father really good friends. there were lots of people from the old days who had not seen me since I was 13. Nice to catch up with my dads side of the family they are all really cool, I always regret that I didn't know them when growing up. My mum wouldn't talk to them or let me have anything to do with them.... which is horrible, I think. My son adored all my cousins, they are great lads! I hope my son always has as many family as possible on both sides....
So then the old folks came over and stayed for a couple of days... More drinking and eating!
New lodger moved in.... she is great and the kids love her, My son and my step sister friend from birth persons daughter spent the whole evening drawing her pictures and finding sweets in her room, whilst sister and I drank cheap wine and smoked a quick sneaky one I the garden....... Then off to a fireworks party with neighbours! which ended with some of the older teenagers getting a bit too drunk and falling over! the younger ones all Putting cheap fireworks in piles and seeing how many we could set off in one go! this was great fun and I was supervising at all times... i think Its wonderful that they were allowed to do this as I really do believe that children/teenagers need a little of that sort of freedom its good for the soul. rather than those women who wrap their children in cotton wool and are constantly warning them of impending danger, i find these are the children who push the boundaries too far and do silly things! My son was dragged ever closer to the bonfire by one of these molly coddled children..... needless to say when the bonfire started to spit she walked closer and my son legged it! Well done son, allowing you a bit of freedom has enabled you to think for yourself!