Saturday, 27 March 2010

Contacting the spirits......

Hi, All good in London today! Went to a pub the other evening and they had a psychic there.... he held my car keys and told me that I had a significant relationship and we had a child, that we are good friends. amicable split etc.... I need to go back to uni and I am a healing person. and there is a man waiting to come into my life! ooh la la apparently he tall and dark lol, at this point I became sceptical! Not my usual type he says, very charismatic and was a bit of a ladies man, he has a child of his own and he wants to settle down. He will reawaken my sense of adventure and the connection we have is amazing!
WOW we just my type he has dark hair....... also I must start doing the lottery as I am very lucky with money (which is true) he added that I must not pick my own numbers.

So watch this space.... I have a ticket and I intend to win! xxxxx

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

dating for dummies........

So I thought I would give this guy a try..... we have seen each other on and off for a while now. There is something about him that I like, but on the other hand he is a baby! Any way he told me to give up on him as he hasn't got the time or energy to give me the attention I deserve. So I wrote a very gracious e mail back, I think you are right, I have to put my son first, these things take time. I really like you its a shame. But we can not say we did not try. good luck I hope we can be friends.

Turns out he couldn't come and see me that night and scared I was going to dump him again, he thought he would do it first! I am thinking this is possibly not the man for me as he is a child in disguise of a 34 year old man... and lets face it a bit of a sap? A real man would have called and said listen dear i'm exhausted I would like to spend more than a couple of hours with you so lets make it another time? Love etc etc.... Honestly, last time this happened I asked to call me when he had grown up a bit. Clearly he has not. Yawn

Friday, 19 March 2010

Strange dreams

I have had several strange dreams recently..... The last one was about dogs. I sat in an armchair with a blood hound by my side he was a lovely dog and i was happy. In the next room there was a small angry white dog who when i tried to stroke him, Bit me!!

This apparently means i am happy with who I am and my status in life I have good values, and am loyal, faithful and protective. the white dog represents Unfaithfulness and that someone is trying to deceive me..... hmmm well I have my suspicions as to who that is. we shall see.

Going away for the weekend with my dear friend for a bit of a shindig in her home town by the sea! My son is off to his dads to spend the weekend with his baby sister who he love very much and says he misses her terribly! ahhh very sweet boy I have.

Then he asks me " Mummy when are you going to find a nice man and have a baby?".

For you my son, whom I will do anything, I am going to start dating again and find me a nice man! xxx

Friday, 12 March 2010

Its been a while.....

It has been a while since my last blog.... I went to Australia over Christmas and new year, great time! So lovely to see my very best friend and just hang out. I really Missed my son at first and felt so guilty about not being there for him, the time zone was impossible to call before bed time.
The break did me the world of good, its amazing how quickly I got into the pace of life without my normal responsibilities, school etc... lovely to be care free again. But there was a nagging feeling that I was missing something. when I arrived home my son looked at me like I was just anyone, oh dear i thought have I gone too far this time, he slept in my bed for quite a few nights and I was so glad to be home. A sudden realisation that he is my anchor the only person who keeps me grounded. I was happy to get up and do the school run, pick up dirty washing, took such pride in waking up and seeing his lovely face. I'm not sure why resented these things before. Sometimes you don't know what you have until its gone.