Friday, 19 March 2010

Strange dreams

I have had several strange dreams recently..... The last one was about dogs. I sat in an armchair with a blood hound by my side he was a lovely dog and i was happy. In the next room there was a small angry white dog who when i tried to stroke him, Bit me!!

This apparently means i am happy with who I am and my status in life I have good values, and am loyal, faithful and protective. the white dog represents Unfaithfulness and that someone is trying to deceive me..... hmmm well I have my suspicions as to who that is. we shall see.

Going away for the weekend with my dear friend for a bit of a shindig in her home town by the sea! My son is off to his dads to spend the weekend with his baby sister who he love very much and says he misses her terribly! ahhh very sweet boy I have.

Then he asks me " Mummy when are you going to find a nice man and have a baby?".

For you my son, whom I will do anything, I am going to start dating again and find me a nice man! xxx

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